Thursday 15 March 2012

Lavender Lullabies

It’s evening time. Just sitting here at my computer…again.

Husband is reading and the kids are dreaming about magic keys that glow and hot flowing lava that sparkles blue and pink. I tell them these stories every night. Nowadays they help me to tell their stories and create their own lullaby of gorgeous midnight wonder.  I’ve written stories for the ears of many children but it’s probably safe to say that only two sets of ears will ever hear these stories and maybe, just maybe they’ll remember one of them. I hope so. People say that what we do here in Kenya is magical-planting greenhouses for schools and learning local trades. They say, “When you come home you can teach us how to live without lifes fineries”. Although I’m not sure what this means. I feel more wealthy than ever right now.

 If one can live in their home country amongst everyone who they know and love while feeling the wide wind between their toes and the tall sun on their head then this must be that finery that they speak of. But if the wind ever becomes thick and the sun is covered by an unnamed cloud then...

I’ve just put my children to bed again. Tonight we read about Gandhi and Nelson Mandela and…Sleepyhead. I’ve told them that one day they can change the world. I hope that one day I can do the same.

Shai's Masai Project


  1. I think you have already changed the world. One day you will see the fruits of your labor. Shalle'

  2. Hey Shalle,
    Thanks so much for sending love all the way from the UK:).
